Monday, January 30, 2006

When the book is better than the movie....

Thanks to a suggestion from Gladys Hunt's Honey for the Woman's Heart, I read -- and thoroughly enjoyed -- I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. (see archived article: St. Athanasius Academy: Reading List Review: I Capture the Castle). When reading a bit about Dodie Smith I discovered that she wrote the book 101 Dalmations which inspired Disney to create a cartoon that is much loved around our house. I checked the library catalog and, wonder-of-wonders, they had.

Well, I started to read this book to see if my littles would enjoy it. Then I decided to start it as a lunchtime-read aloud (which includes the older two -- 16 and 14 year-olds). We are so enjoying this book that makes the movie insipid in comparison. in the book Cruella is married (can you imagine?), eats pepper on everything, wear's furs all the time (even sleeps on ermine sheets) and is thoroughly BAD (makes Glenn Close's Cruella seem tame)! The Dearlys and their domestic help -- their nannies from when they were little -- share the house with the Pongo and Missis Pongo and later, Perdita (the foster mom dog who comes to help nurse the 15 puppies).

This is a fantastic read for anyone who loves dogs or who loves the Disney version. This is SOOOO much better!

1 comment:

Leonie said...

I was a big fan of Dodie Smith as a teen - still love those two books. My sixteen year old liked I Capture the Castle and my thirteen year old liked 101 Dalmatians.

I also like the DVD of I Capture the Castle - came out last year or the year before. Be warned - there is some nudity, though.