Monday, March 19, 2007

Living the Liturgical Year -- the month of March

March is a fabulous month for celebrating our Catholic faith. Not only does the month surround our Lenten journey, but we've also have wonderful saints to help on celebrate the joy and gratitude from God's many gifts to his pilgrim people.

From Catholic Culture, we find the following list of celebrations:

3. Katharine Drexel (USA),

7. Perpetua and Felicity

8. John of God,

9. Frances of Rome; Bl. John Ogilvie (Scotland)

17. Patrick

19. Joseph, husband of Mary

23. Turibius de Mogrovejo

26. Annunciation of the Lord (normally on the 25th but moved as the 25th this year is a Sunday)

Now these saints are all really cool -- all had different "jobs" from God; all fulfilled their missions as God wanted; all (we Catholics believe) are now in their Glorified Bodies and hanging out with God. How cool is that? Praying to these guys is like asking your mom to get permission or help from your dad -- they're right there with the big guy!

And my family is fortunate because a few of these March saints are family patrons -- St. Joseph for my son, St. John for another son, St. Katherine Drexel for a daughter and the Annuciation (which is not only a Marian feast -- so I claim all those -- but also dh and my anniversary).

And of course there is the ubiquitous St. Patrick, Patron of Ireland and all folks Irish -- and every year there seem to be more who claim the heritage in order to run around in green losing sight of why this Saint is so revered and honored.

So we will find out about these Saints of March and live the liturgical year through celebrating their lives and faith in God and His Word. We will pray to them, honor them and ask for their intercessory powers with the Lord. We will try to emulate their faith and belief in God's many wonders, trying to incorporate their good works into our own. And maybe, just maybe, we'll all be able to live with them in Heaven through Eternity.

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