Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Unit Study: Beatrix Potter Resources

So, we've been working on a Beatrix Potter Unit and I thought I'd post about the myriad of resources we've been using:


Books for Children to read/look at:
Fiction written by Beatrix Potter

Biographies (juvenile)

Just Fun Books to Look at or Do

Books for Adults or Older Children:
Her Writings

Her Life Story

Her Art and Drawings

The Lake District:

Knitting, Cooking and Fun Reads:

The Tale of Hill Top Farm
The Tale of Holly How
The Tale of Cuckoo Brow Hill
The Tale of Hawthorn House


1 comment:

The Bookworm said...

I finally watched Miss Potter a couple of weeks ago. You will enjoy it :). I also bought a complete set of BP's Tales and Nursery Rhymes on CD from a book club to put away for my Little Cherub - at 23 CDs for £17 (about $35) it was too good a deal to miss!