Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Traditions: Thanksgiving Eve

OK, I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but we've been doing a tradition for the last few years that I think bears mentioning. On the day before Thanksgiving, we pull out the BEST Thanksgiving book and read it.

Now, this doesn't sound like a big deal, but I don't know what we'd ever do if we lost this book and Dad couldn't read it to the littles on Thanksgiving Eve. My lovely dh always gets off early (if not a whole day) on Thanksgiving Eve and makes a point of curling up with the littles and reading this book. They all enjoy it and look forward to the annual reading. This year, I had to turn the house upside down to find the copy that I knew I'd placed in a safe place -- it was a safe place, it was just the LAST place as well as a SAFE place!

Even more wonderful is using the recipe in the back, "Grandmother's Famous Cranberry Bread", and making it into a "cooking math" lesson. It warms the house while it's baking, the smell fills the air and reminds of tomorrow's feast, and it warms our bellies with it's taste!

Today it will be really wonderful to cuddle up to this book as we've had a good snowfall early this morning and it's only 25 degrees ... so a slice of warm Cranberry Bread, a cup of tea and dh reading ... ah, the bliss path!

What more could you ask of a well-loved classic?


Joannof10 said...

This is our favorite Thanksgiving book also!:-)

Theresa said...

I haven't ever sseen this book so I will make a note of it for next year.

Thanks for sharing.