Friday, October 31, 2008

One More Day -- are you ready?

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow as does the Young Writers' version. StringBean is the only one of mine willing to attempt writing a novel in a month (LegoManiac has too much work with learning lines for his play and getting ready for the Crucible with the Young Marines!).

The Catholic Writers Guild is doing a similar challenge to NaNoWriMo -- since NaNoWriMo is specifically geared to novel-writing, CWG has created a challenge of 30K for Christ ... where you need to write at least 30,000 words during November but they can be any genre. This is just what I need to get me writing down my book (a non-fiction work) on paper ... so I've joined THAT challenge and will be writing right along with StringBean.
Here's the prayer (written by CWG Moderator, Karina Fabian) we'll say before we start writing:
God in Heaven, You granted us, in Your Image, the ability to imagine
and create. This month, I endeavor to indulge that creativity. Look with favor
upon my efforts.Dear Holy Spirit, this day, this month, I commend my writing
efforts to your care. I ask for your guidance and your prayers as I seek to
complete the project(s) in my mind and my heart.O my Jesus, son of God, Light of
the world, help me to spread your Light in all that I do. May my words be
pleasing to You. Be close to me in this month as I strive to write 30,000 words
for you.Dear St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus. You knew hard work all your
life. Inspire me to keep working toward my goal even when the words won't come
with ease. You faced uncertainty. Teach me, then to place my trust in God as I
forge into the uncertainty of my writing adventure.Dear Mary, our Spiritual
Mother, you were uncertain when the Archangel approached you, yet you gave
yourself to God's Will. Give me grace to recognize and embrace my calling.I
place myself and my muse in your care, full of trust and gratitude. Amen.May the
Holy Spirit fill me and guide my imagination, I ask through Christ our Lord.

Won't you join us? You have ONE MORE DAY to signup at CWG or NaNoWriMo or the Young Writer's Program.

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