Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christmas: only 40 days left!

Can you believe it? We're halfway through November already. Thanksgiving is late this year (Nov. 27th) so Advent will actually start Turkey-Day weekend! Whew!

This year, what with the economy being how it is and the house in Colorado still not sold, we're having to cut back a bit. But we will probably have a better Christmas because of that. We told the kids last week that ALL gifts will be hand-crafted, hand-baked, and generally non-store bought (except for the ones from St. Nick himself, of course).

Over the next 40 days -- especially after November 29th -- St. Athanasius Academy will be a veritable North Pole workshop ... with cutting, sewing, gluing, hammering, knitting (of course!), baking, painting, sculpting and wrapping. I will help the younger ones, but all will be doing their own thing too.
We will record our progress here (unless it would spoil a surprise or two) and document our Advent Preparedness. Our goal is to spend zero dollars on something store-bought while spending lots of time and effort for our loved ones. This Christmas will be quite memorable for all of us!
Any suggestions for hand-made, hand-crafted, or hand-baked gifts are most appreciated.
Let the gift-making begin!

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