Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Shopping Op while Helping Others

See that little button on my side-bar? Well, here's the story behind it:

I have a wonderful cyber-friend who I've only met once in real life, yet know quite well as I've "chatted" with her for more than five years (and finally met when we were both in Colorado a couple of years ago). She is a Catholic home-educating mom of 10 children.

Michele's 8 yod was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes this summer; this Fall, her 4 yos was also diagnosed. The whole family will now need to be tested to determine if there are antibodies present that could be responsible; in addition, the 8yod may have celiac disease.

Michele's husband's company doesn't have insurance for the family and through a snafu, their public insurance was cancelled. Insulin and incidentals for diabetes runs over $500 per month PER CHILD.

Margot over at Hillside and some others have gotten together a "Helping Those in Need" page for those who need a helping hand. From now until the end of December, ALL proceeds from the sale of the items on that page will be sent to the Michele. More items will be added over the next days. Margot, bless her heart, will make this "Need" page a permanent part of Hillside Education!

So go do some Christmas shopping and help out a wonderful family. And please spread the word.

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