Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Holy Week and A Lenten Tea

I blogged about this in March when Alice over at Cottage Blessings first mentioned her idea for a Lenten Tea. Now, I really liked her idea but didn't want to exclude my dear husband who earns the bread we'd be eating -- so I decided to change it into a light Holy Week dinner.

Well, this is exactly what we did this past Monday -- the first day of Holy Week. In lieu of "Grace", I explained each item on the table, reading the Scriptural reference and stressing the quote. While we served ourselves, including the making of many "Cock Crows Twice" sandwiches, we talked about the change in the people from Palm Sunday to Good Friday; we talked about what Peter did and why he cried and what Judas did and why he went off by himself. This was a wonderful start to our Holy Week.

We took Alice's suggested menu and just tweaked it slightly:
  • Palm on the Road -- became Heart of Palm salad (the recipe on the can was excellent) and Wasa Cracker Bread

  • Costly Oil -- flavored olive oil with fresh garlic and tarragon; drizzled this on the Wasa

  • Mount of Olives -- tried to get the kids to try black and green olives -- only dh and I like them which is actually fine (because we LOVE them!)

  • "Cock Crows Twice" Sandwiches using:

      • 30 Pieces of Silver -- used 50-cent sized biscuit cutter to make 30 pieces of Muenster cheese

      • Unleavened Bread -- pita (or pocket) bread

      • Cock Crows Twice -- sliced roasted chicken and turkey deli-meat

  • Gethsemane Figs -- fig newtons (which it turns out EVERYONE loves, go figure!)

  • Judas' Kisses & Clouds of Heaven -- fresh strawberries dipped in Vanilla Yogurt

  • St. Peter's tears -- tic-tacs as suggested (and the kids thought this was awesome because we never buy those!)

This was a very memorable meal -- the kids are still talking about it a few days later. Brikhead said he felt like he was in the Middle East or at a Seder Meal.

We'll do Alice's Lenten Tea 2 on Good Friday for an early dinner before heading over for a Maronite Good Friday "veneration of the Cross".

Have a blessed Holy Week and a marvelous Easter Season!

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